Over four thousand years ago, the Sumerians built the world's first cities near the fertile floodplains of ancient Mesopotamia, or Babylonia, as it would later become known. Their sophisticated civilization was so influential that elements of Sumerian culture, including their mythology and alphabet, would survive for millennia.

Traces of Babylonian myth can even be found in the Hebrew Scriptures and, according to Golden Dawn Adept and Tarot artist Sandra Tabatha Cicero, the powerful deities and mysterious incantations of this ancient culture can also be seen as the very root of Western Ceremonial Magick. Babylonian Tarot is beautifully original in concept and design, yet faithful to tarot tradition. The only tarot deck based on the Sumerian mythos, it includes five extra cards-one Trump and four court cards-yet retains the traditional zodiacal, elemental, and planetary associations. The accompanying guidebook includes detailed descriptions of each card, as well as instructions for using the deck in magick and divination.
Barbara Walker Tarot reflects a unique feminist perspective of tarot with religious and pagan symbols from around the world. The Court Cards depict mythological gods and goddesses.
The dominant colors of the deck and the card back design are red, black and white because they are recognized everywhere as the colors of the original feminine Trinity (Triangle) representing her three phases of Virgin, Mother and Crone.

Includes 78 pocket-sized cards with keywords in English, and a 48-page booklet.
Hieronymus Bosch's unusual vision of the 16th century provides the filter through which Atanassov worked to create the Bosch Tarot Cards. The quaint, the puzzling, the mildly amusing, the simply absurd, and sometimes even the lovely go hand-in-hand with the rawest monstrosity and the most disturbingly grotesque images.
All the Bosch Tarot Cards are titled in Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish.
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
Finally there is a Tarot that embodies the spirit of the Gypsies. The Buckland Romani Tarot is a beautiful new deck that follows the traditional form of the tarot, but incorporates Gypsy forms and symbol. Drawing on his experiences with his Romani (English Gypsy) family, Raymond Buckland has teamed with artist Lissanne Lake to produce a beautiful deck that embodies the rich traditions and deep, earthy wisdom of these passionate people. Anyone who is familiar with the cards will enjoy this refreshing new approach, and anyone new to the tarot will enjoy the ease of use and down-to-earth nature of this attractive deck.
The accompanying book presents a full set of fresh, insightful interpretations written specifically to match this deck, along with traditional meanings. It also includes a Romani-English word list, historical background on the Gypsies, guidance on caring for and using the cards, and a selection of spreads.
Many books on the tarot are so obscure and complex that they end up discouraging everyone but the advanced practitioner. In contrast, this book is written in simple language, that makes reading and studying the tarot a joy. In addition, it relays fascinating historical facts about the Gypsies. Although the exact origins of the tarot are shrouded in the mists of antiquity, we know one thing for certain-it is the
Gypsies who are most directly responsible for keeping this ancient fount of wisdom from fading into obscurity. Now Raymond Buckland finally gives them the credit they are due. Discover how, in their wanderings, they have preserved the arcane wisdom of many lands and civilizations.